Key page to help you connect the dots...

How Project Rewire came to be!

go back in time with me to the beginning to read my first few entries.  Blogger has made it a bit of journey now to get there, so rather than just scrolling, you'll see a link at the bottom right hand side at the end of a "bank" of posts that simply says, "older posts". Then, work your way up to understand the concept of Project Rewire and to see some nifty flying photos.  But wait!  Yes, that's a A LOT of work to ask of a reader.  So, instead of asking you to scroll scroll scroll, I'll link you with the date, then give you a snippet of the entry of my first two entries below on this very page.  However, if you're truly into powered parachute photos, just click into this label on the right hand side panel entitled "A Flight", or click here.

Saturday, August 28, 2008 - Project Rewire - my very first entry...

"My intent for my little blogging endeavor here is for it to evolve into a quasi photoblog of sorts, with a little narration from me. However, knowing God, His plan may be entirely different. We shall see where He leads me. For the moment, though, I need to go back in time in a few posts to get to "now" so you'll get the picture."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - Jeanne Code - my second entry...

"Epilepsy has brought with it many changes to my life. It's affected my freedoms immensely. One in particular, that I find extremely frustrating, is my freedom to express myself. Literally. The area in my brain that's responsible for "language" has taken a big hit from the misfires. Words don't flow from my mind to my lips or finger tips easily anymore."

(Note, I was leaving dates in my photos back then deliberately due to ghastly immediate and short term memory issues I was experiencing.  They're still a part of my daily life, but have improved, thankfully.)