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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Strictly Chance and I...

Playing catch up with some of my photo posting... but!

Chance says before I share any more pictures of his adorable little sister, flights in our powered parachute, or anything else, I had better post a shot or two of just he and I.

As much as I've loved all of my dogs, there has never been a dog that melted my heart more than Chance. None more needy. He's such a dear. I rescued him when he was around 10 months old, 8 years ago last month. When he came into my life, my love affair with Springers began.

Hey! My pilot is improving a little in the picture taking department -- my feet are almost all there! Stay tuned for more of his photos in my next post.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

What a sweet boy! I'd say it's a mutual love affair, from the looks of it!