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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Triple Play, Springer Bath Day on my 56th Birthday!

Wet doggie photo slide show! Starring Summer, my first foster Springer. Location... my deck! I did not snap these for perfection, just for fun.

Summer's first bath on "day two" with us. My goal was to go over her from inch to inch, help her feel better because her skin is very dry and to smooth out the mattes and dreadlocks. We also thought it would be pleasant for all of our Springers to smell the same. :)

I took most of Sydney's shots from under our deck table. She is such a poser! Her eyes always reveal what's going on in her mind and her personality. I chose not to snap photos of her when she was walking on top of the table. Sydney has not learned all of her manners yet. ;)

As for Chance... you'll see that he doesn't care for the camera at all and most often appears sad,when he's not a sad by any means. It's just that his face still reflects the abuse he received before I rescued him. Some imprints don't go away. He's our biggest baby and the love of my life. :)

Also, his ears... they are still growing out from an overly aggressive groomer's cut from last September. I am still not a happy camper regarding this subject.

Summer had her first grooming yesterday in Aberdeen, NC at One Paw at a Time. Photos will follow soon. The owner, Carolyn, did a wonderful job, but I'll share more about her visit later.

As most of my readers know by now, I take lots of photos for many reasons, and always shoot in progression. Just mentioning purely for my new readers. With Summer, my plans are to journal her progress as she enjoys her new life and becomes healthy. My goal is to set up a separate blog soon to track her transformation.

Things are super busy for me at the moment. I have company visiting from out of town and also will be having another sleep deprived EEG this Friday July 3rd. Then, Saturday, on the fourth of July is my special niece's birthday. So, I'm not sure if my desire to create the blog for Summer will happen in a timely fashion... we shall see. There's another blog I'm just now putting together that I'm just about ready to "make live". I just need to organize some of the vast number of photos I have taken this past year of the Hamlet Historical Depot and surrounding area. Much will be happening in Hamlet over the coming months and I have all intentions of tracking the progress via my photography.

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