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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer one week after her first two Heartworm treatments

Well, it's been a week now since Summer went through her first two Heartworm Treatments. I was going to post earlier, but thought one week would be a bit of a milestone and would provide a better picture about what's involved in caring for a Heartworm positive dog after the initial two treatments.

I'm happy to share that Summer has been doing well. So well, in fact I took her off the Carprofen (pain medication) night before last. I'd been giving her 1/2 tab every 12 hours, then tapered that down to just once per day on Sunday. She was very sore through this past Saturday and yelped whenever we tried to pick her up or move her. So, my hubby and I would coax her to lay down on a towel making a hammock for her, then we'd hoist her on to the sofa or bed. If we didn't, she'd try to jump up herself, which caused her more discomfort. We can easily pick her up now, but we're trying our best not to allow her to jump. She's attempted to spring onto my bed a few times. It's not a good thing, because she doesn't have the strength nor power to make it.

We tried crating her once and she tried to bite her way out. In the photos of her it doesn't show up but she has healed over cuts on her chin. There's one which has broken open a couple of times. They're a matching set, so it appears as if she struggled to bite her way through the shelter kennel wire, or somewhere else. She's perfectly house trained, so there will be no crating for Summer here in her "forever home".

Her nose has continued to be cold when she gets up in the a.m. the past few mornings, which is great! Then, yesterday was the first day it turned cold for a little bit in the afternoon. So, everyday she's getting better. She loves her holistic diet and with the exception of this a.m. she's had no tummy issues at all. And the experience this a.m. passed quickly. She ate her breakfast and would have welcomed seconds. She's had no coughing spells (something the vet tech told us to watch out for). She's still on Doxycycline and knows when it's coming, so we're having teeny tiny little peanut butter sandwiches. She woofs them down, then wants more!

Summer sleeps a good part of the day and evening, but enjoys her time outside. She runs to the door when it's time to go out with Sydney and Chance and they squish through the opening all happy and kissing and nosing each other. She's pretty much taken on the role of pack leader, much to Miss Sydney's dismay, but those two are getting closer. They stroll around the fenced portion of the backyard like two little sisters, either shadowing or mirroring each other's behavior sniffing the air, flowers and bushes, Once and awhile, she'll flush birds out of one of our Wax Myrtles around the pool.

Chance and she have totally accepted each other, too. She's a terrific watchdog, as is he. He actually appears to be enjoying the back up! He has a deep bark, but Summer's... well, I wouldn't mess with her. It is scary for such a small Springer! I'm just delighted to be on her good list! With those two at my living room windows, an intruder had better think twice!

Now, a few of Summer's *fans* know this news already... but sadly... she's pregnant. "It" either happened at the shelter before we pulled her, which is very well possible since she was in a kennel with 7 or 8 other dogs. Or, right before because there were no indications when she was initially assessed and treated at All Animals Vet Hospital in Sanford, NC. Prior to giving her the Heartworm Treatments, of course, the vet performed a scan and soon discovered the puppies. We'll be taking her back to All Animals on August 5th to be examined and spayed. They'll be performing another scan and a blood test to make sure she's in good enough health before they proceed. But, with the progress she's making, it's inevitable.

It's the course of action the vet wants... so even though it's not the type of decision anyone wants to make, it's what's best for Summer. (It's one of the difficult things that comes along with rescue work. And a phone call I did not really want to make to our wonderful NC/SC ESRA Coordinator, Pam Civile.)

Whew! Including two slide shows below. You'll see Summer last Wednesday right after we picked her up. She was happy to see us, but very timid, as if she wasn't sure about what was going to happen yet. She'd been sick on her stomach early in the day and wasn't feeling well at all, yet she was ready for the back seat of our car. You can see her expression change as we got closer to home. Then, her smiles returned when she saw her yard and her home. The last few shots, I took today.

Again, Summer the calmest dog I've ever had. Such a dear! So peaceful and sweet natured. She's as happy to be with us as we are to have her. I believe the same thing about her as I do about Sydney & Chance... God "gave" her to me to care for & love.

Last week...


What a difference one week can make!

Before I close this post, I'd be remiss if I didn't say if any of my readers feel compelled to adopt, foster or sponsor an English Springer Spaniel, please click the link below...

Thank you!

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