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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Can you see it? By Jon Walker... Too good not to share via my blog...


Can you see it?

Can you see it?
We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen.  The things which are seen are temporal and the things which are not seen are eternal. 1 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)
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When life begins to squeeze us, what we truly believe is revealed through our attitudes and actions. And, if the truth be told, most of us live by sight more than by the hope and certainty of our faith.
With the patience of Job, Jesus tells us again and again that we have to look past the things we see into the eternal reality of the unseen (Where do you think Job got such Jesus-like patience?)
When people approached Jesus to tell him about their circumstances, he’d often say something like, “You’re looking for a drink of water, but look past your circumstances because I’m the living water. I can quench your thirst for eternity, not just in this moment. Can you see it?” Or, “You want to see bread right now, but I want you to see that I am the living bread. I can feed you for this one meal, but – Look! – I can feed you for all eternity. Can you see it?”
In one of those grand, mysterious paradoxes, Jesus is saying we should see the unseen – and the way to do that is to stay intimate with him and to let the Holy Spirit direct our sight, our physical eyes and our spiritual eyes.
When we believe that reality is confined to only what we see, we become trapped into thinking the only truth is what we see. We become prisoners to our perceptions; we cease to be freedom fighters walking in faith.
Time and time again we see Jesus moving the focus from the seen to the unseen. He knew that for those who walk by faith, appearances are never the ultimate reality.
Are there parts of your life that have you discouraged or depressed, that have you wondering where God is?  He’s tapping you on the shoulder, reminding you to look up beyond the horizon into eternity.
What does this mean?
Reality extends beyond what you can see – God, Jesus, and heaven are reality, even if they are unseen for now. The things we see are temporary; the things we do not see are eternal. (1 Corinthians 4:18 NIV)
God is at work – Even though things may appear bad on the surface, God is working it all out for good (Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11). Jesus is the author, and he knows how the story ends. So, fix your eyes on the unseen, and not solely on what is seen. (2 Corinthians 4:18, NIV)
By Jon Walker
We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen.  The things which are seen are temporal and the things which are not seen are eternal. 1 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)

When life begins to squeeze us, what we truly believe is revealed through our attitudes and actions. And, if the truth be told, most of us live by sight more than by the hope and certainty of our faith...

With the patience of Job, Jesus tells us again and again that we have to look past the things we see into the eternal reality of the unseen (Where do you think Job got such Jesus-like patience?)

To finish reading this devotion click ---->  HERE


As I've mentioned on this blog before I subscribe to 3... well, actually 4 online devotions now.  I'm not quite in the daily habit of reading the 4th one quite yet, but I try my best to be faithful in reading my other 3 daily.  If I miss any, I go back to read and I've found playing catch up can be very beneficial as it helps me to focus and absorb better whatever the Lord wants me to glean from the devotionals.  Often, my "3" will almost overlap each other with the verses being shared, or the lessons.  They'll be *that* similar.  Oh boy!  Whenever, that happens I know God has something special for me... that He's speaking to me.  Everyone needs to hear from the Lord particularly during challenging times and situations, so I couldn't resist sharing Jon Walker's Grace Creates devotion for today here.  And, on FaceBook, I guess now... if the little integration app works!  ;)
Well, today I needed a special something, a gentle reminder.  He is speaking to me.  Not just for myself; for a few people I care about and know personally.  One really needs a miracle to happen where their business is concerned.  The person so needs multiple break throughs, but the most important need right now is for them to earn a living... FAST!  They've been working countless hours and have invested every thing they have.  They're brilliant, dedicated, strong and gifted.  They know God is in control, but is in need of prayer and favor.  God knows the person by name.  And thankfully, in spite of their circumstances they are in the palm of His hand.  Like me, there's a time that the holding pattern end must come to an end.  That person is about there.  So, any readers that compelled to pray and intercede, my thanks to you.

It's beautiful outside today.  I took a lovely glass mug of hot Chinese Silver Needles White tea outside a little while ago.  The air was so crisp and fresh.  And there's a sensational breeze.  Chance and Summer loved it.  They sniffed the air and caught sight of a few birds.  They were hoping the squirrels would come out of the trees so they could rush at them through the fencing.  They have recently become a tag team.  It's a new thing for Summer to be frisky, which is just fab!  However, the breeze flowing through the trees and the sounds of the neighborhood scared little Sydney.  She stayed stuck to me.

All I did was sit in my dad's cedar rocking chair and soak up the warm sun... sipped tea... ate part of warm muffin with peanut butter on it.  It was really melted and messy today... makes it more yummy!

Later this afternoon, the Springers and I will do the same, except it will be time to for me to share an apple with the girls.  Chance is not into fruit.  But, he'll get treated to a couple of cookies.

Have much to catch up on here...


Gigi said...

Finally all caught up! Ended up viewing all on my iTouch as my Mac just wasn't cooperating! God bless you for your courage,Jeanne...I'm also looking forward to what the next year brings for you!

Jeanne said...

Gigi, you are so faithful to reading my blog, it's amazing. Thank you! We'll see what God has in store for me this coming year. At the moment, I'm not sure of the direction. But, He's in charge. :) Hope it's easier in the future for you to visit my blog and for the pages to load on your MacBook... see you on FaceBook! Hugs.