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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Everything is all a twitter!!! Sydney & Me!

Extremely quick entry!!! I've now gone public on Face Book as of today and Twitter for myself...

Face Book info is in my right side panel, but anyone can find me by simply performing a "friends search" for:

Jeanne Holland Newton

My vision for my Twitter...

It's an exciting and great way to use my day to day real life stuff to focus my thoughts upwards... in a positive way. Love the challenge of keeping it to 140 characters. For anyone who has known me any length of time, that's a toughy! It also forces me to think more creatively... and choose my words more precisely with a flavor of humor tossed in!

All one has to do if you've never ever tweeted... is to take a few secs to set up an account. It's easy as pie! There are no junkie apps or anything. It's simple and sweet! Create a unique i.d./user name, and there you go. That is all there is to it! You can tweet over the net, or via your phone! What a free package deal!

To follow me, simply click my link below:

I thought about creating another user name, but ppcjeanne and Jeanne Holland Newton both tie to my blog and Face Book. It's so important to keep things simple, you know?

AND.... tah dah!

Sydney now has her own Twitter, too!

Sydney's vision is to:

Put her cute little face on ESRA in a unique way! She's full of one liners... any English Springer Rescue America volunteers, foster parents, forever home givers, Springers and family critters, all animal and dog lovers alike are welcome to follow her. Heaven only knows what she'll be saying! For those of you who have kept up with my entries, you'll recall her wonderful foster Mom lived in Australia at one time and named Sydney for it. Thanks "Miss M"... one of my favorite nicks for my miracle pup is Sydney Springer. :) So, to follow little Sydney and her antics, simply click her link below:

P.S. Will come back and add photos when they are all recovered.

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