Key page to help you connect the dots...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quick 'n and Out... Kind of an Update

My Twitter Profile Photo ------>

For those of you who may not know what Twitter is, a post or two down I shared I'd started "tweeting" for both Sydney & I. There are many reasons behind my choice to do such a thing, but this entry is simply to advise I've now added the Twitter Widget on the right hand column of my blog. Meaning... my live tweets will post live here as I tweet. So, when I'm not making blog entries, live info tweeted by me is still passing to my blog.

Hope this makes sense. If you have a Twitter Account it, will... if not... read the live feed and it'll help.

Still VERY much going on in my life and the lives of my family members & loved ones. Please keep us in your prayers. Me, I need strength & renewing every day as we all do, and God delivers up fun & interesting & powerful & inspiring & uniquely special ways to bless me with it. I've connected with others living with Epilepsy on both Face Book & Twitter, and some amazing people of God, too. Ministers, laymen... Christians and a few even have Epilepsy. Thank God for the net and the ability it gives people like me who are for the most part home bound, because without connections, I'd go nuts!

Words coming in via various ways on the net (from emails I receive from friends, family members, and even people I don't know but care, then add, my online devotions, & my praise music) I really don't know how I'd make it. Phone calls I do get, but these days... I'm really not into phoning nor calling. Aiming for peace, joy & focus constantly. My biggest prayer need of all is that I lose time each day... I need to make better use of it, although I'm trying hard. The not driving thing is getting to me now more than ever, yet, I enjoy the nature that surrounds my home. See beauty every where I look outside.

I'm holding fast... and hanging on tightly to overwhelming, overcoming, unspeakable joy. Spending much time interceding. Trying to build myself up physically and spiritually as well as help others as best I can. I know I've been redeemed... that God is ever faithful. But, I must say my upcoming visit to the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center @ Wake Forest Baptist Hospital with my new doctor can't come soon enough. I'm praying for favor and that she'll be open to start at the beginning. From my traumatic birth onwards... I've all the information that was missing from my past now except for one piece (which really doesn't matter) and found out I had yet another head blow when I was about four. My mother remembered it recently. That's four now. Not too long afterwards, was when my migraines started in first grade.

It's been an amazing journey rediscovering some of my blocked past as well as key information my mother hadn't really forgotten, but hadn't connected to the dots until she read the Newsweek article I continue to mention... Living in the Grips of the Unknown. You can find a link to it by clicking the label below or upper corner of the right panel side.

I do have some photos to share, yet still not in the groove to post yet. I have a couple stories to share, too. But, I am undecided as to whether I will or not yet. If it's right, I will. If not, I won't. However, soon I will post some updated photos of Sydney. Her first birthday is coming up toward the end of the month. She has GROWN!!!

Bye for now......

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